Sunday, September 23, 2007

Too Much Repetition!

Now I understand that advertisers want to get their products out, but do they have to show them 20 times in an hour? I was sittin down watching a football game and I payed close attention to the commercials. Apparentely, advertisers think that if they show a commerical of a truck come out of a plane and make the plane stop that I will want to bye one. I must have saw that commercial about 12 times in a bout 2 hrs. As if seeing that commercial that many times is going to prime my mind into thinking "Oooo, you men to tell me that Toyota makes a truck that can pull a plane to a complete stop! Now I HAVE to have one!" Now I know that trucks can't really do that, but I guess it's just my lack of appreciation for trucks combined with my hatred for those commercials!

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